
Disclaimer and Privacy Policy


This website is offered by TerGen S.A. Although we have taken reasonable precautions at compiling the information in this website, we are not responsible for any action carried out by any individual or organization, whether it is the direct result or not of the information contained in this page or accessed through this page, regardless of whether such information is supplied by us or a third party. Nothing in this site should be construed as an advice or recommendation and its content should not be taken as the basis to any decision or action whatsoever.

In view of the continuous medical advances and discoveries, it is possible that the information herein contained is not always completely updated, which is why it is shown ‘as is’ and as ‘the information available.’ The contents of this site imply no explicit or implicit guarantee, representation or commitment. The use of the information obtained in or downloaded from this site is at the exclusive risk of the user. 

The information in this website does not intend to substitute the informed medical advice. The information on the products mentioned in this website may vary depending on the country. Patients and healthcare professionals should verify with the local medical resources and directive authorities the relevant information in your country. YOU MUST CONSULT A DULY QUALIFIED HEALTH PROFESSIONAL ABOUT ANY PROBLEM OR ISSUE CONCERNING THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN BEFORE TAKING ANY ACTION.


The copyright of this site, including all documents, files, texts, images, graphics, devices and codes herein contained and the general layout of the site are the property of TerGen S.A: (All rights reserved) or third parties.

You are hereby authorised to copy and print extracts or documents of this website (excepting third-party contents identified as such) for non-commercial private use, provided that said copies or printed material keep all copyright notices or any other copyright and disclaimer therein contained. The use or reproduction of logos and registered trademarks of TerGen S.A. is not authorised without previous consent in writing by the company.

In addition to the terms specified above, the total or partial reproduction of the contents of this website is hereby prohibited in all forms including the framing or creation of any work using this website and/or its contents as a baseline, the inclusion to other websites or electronic retrieval or other publication. None of the links in this website may be included in any other website without the previous express consent in writing by TerGen S.A.

We may not grant your right to use the third-party contents in this site, for which reason you must be allowed by its owner or representative before using or downloading such content. The contents protected by copyright may not be modified; likewise, no notice in the site may be altered assigning authorship or declaring the existence of intellectual property rights without the relevant previous consent in writing.

With the exception of the limited permit established above, nothing in this website shall be deemed to grant any right or license. All the product names mentioned in this website are trademarks of TerGen S.A.: excluding those trademarks indicated as property of other companies, all rights being reserved.


This website may contain texts which are the property of third parties (for example: articles, data sources or extracts); it may also include hypertext links with websites that are the property of third parties. We offer this type of contents and links as a courtesy to our users. We have no control whatsoever on any third-party website or the contents referred or accessed to or made available in this website, for which reason we do not validate, promote, recommend or accept any responsibility with regard to said websites. Particularly, we are not legally responsible for any claim that such content accessed to in third-party sites (whether published therein or in any other website) violates the intellectual property rights of any person; likewise, we are not responsible for the information or opinions included in such websites or for their contents.


We reserve the right to change any part of this website or the Disclaimer at any time without previous notice. Any modification made to this Disclaimer shall be valid the next time you enter our website. Notwithstanding this, we have no duty to keep our website updated.


We take the privacy of our website users and the safety of their personal information very seriously. By virtue of the European data protection law, the company controlling the processing of personal data is TerGen S.A.

This private policy declaration aims at establishing the principles that rule the use we make of personal information we may obtain from you. When you use this site, or when you register (where applicable) as a user of our services, or call our free line, you are expressing your agreement to this use. We kindly request that you read this privacy policy carefully, as any conflict that may arise with respect to privacy shall be subject to this privacy policy, to the data protection notice (if any) included in this website and the British law provisions.

We may modify our Privacy Policy from time to time; we advice you to control the privacy policy regularly to make sure that you are aware of the most recent version which is to be applied each time you access this site.


1. Aggregate information
We control the use of this web page gathering aggregate information. In this process, no information that may identify persons is collected. Habitually, we obtain information regarding the number of visits to the site and to each page, as well as the domain name of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) of the visitor. This information is used for understanding what use is being made of the website by users, which information may be shared with other companies within TerGen S.A., as well as third parties.

2. Personal information
We will indeed collect information allowing your personal identification when you are required to register in order to use this website, or fill in the on-line form, or provide data when you call our free line. You may be requested to give your name, e-mail, country of residence, and other information that you will provide voluntarily.

It is possible that we occasionally request sensitive information about yourself -for example, information concerning your physical or mental health or fitness- but only if you provide such information voluntarily. We may also obtain information about your opinions, if you, for example, send us your comments or make any question.

We may occasionally receive information about you from other sources, and we may add it to the information we already have, in order to help you improve your health and personalise the service we provide to you.


In case we collect personal information about you (for example, because you have registered as a user, or you have contacted us) we will keep this information and use it in accordance with this privacy policy and all notices on protection of information which we may have notified you of on each occasion in which you provided us your personal information.


In case information concerning you is obtained, we will file it in a secure server protected by password and safeguarded from the outside world through a firewall. The company applies safety policies in order to assure, to the extent practicable, the security and integrity of all our information, including your personal information.


Cookies are small files that are sent to your browser and filed in the hard disk of your computer. If you are requested to register in order to use this website, cookies will be created and transferred to your hard disk when you register for the first time. They will be further used to identify your computer and will allow you to repeatedly access our website without the need to log in. The cookie is only used to speed up your access to the site and the information you want to see. Most browsers accept cookies, but you can usually change your configuration to stop transfer. However, what must be taken into account is that if you do, you will be loosing part of the functionality.


Sometimes we contract other companies or individuals to carry out some functions on our behalf. They may have access to your personal information, but only to the extent necessary to carry out the task.


We may use the information we obtain and/or receive from you to investigate or help avoid any illicit activity or any activity implying a threat to our network or that may in any way put at risk the correct operation of this site.


In case we process personal information about you and, pursuant to the provisions of the Information Protection Law, you shall be entitled to request access to this personal information (which may imply that you are charged a small amount of money on account of processing costs).  

You may also be entitled to require the correction of any inaccuracy in your information, free of charge.

You may request that details regarding a letter sent to TerGen S.A. be modified. Please mention your name clearly and the subject of your message in all communications, and include your user name or details about your registration, in case you have receive one.

Cámara Nacional de Comercio y Servicios del UruguayCosta Rica 1606, Montevideo, Uruguay, Tel/fax: + 598 2604 07 82
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